Dan Stolar Reading: A Review

Dan Stolar read some of his new fiction, entitled “Hymie and Ruth,” on Tuesday May 25, 2010. Josh Covell, an MAWP student, writes his thoughts on the new story. Josh is graduating from the program in June. With a whiteboard of Yiddish translations behind him, Professor Dan Stolar was brave enough to give a reading…Continue reading Dan Stolar Reading: A Review

Christine Sneed has forthcoming story in Ploughshares!

Professor Christine Sneed’s story “The Prettiest Girls” was recently accepted for publication in Ploughshares. Congratulations! Sneed teaches ENG 484: Writing the Wondrous World of the Everyday in Fall Quarter 2010.

Ex Libris to Move

Ex Libris, DePaul’s Graduate English Newsletter, is making a move to WordPress and the blogosphere. Stay tuned for more updates as Molly, the graduate assistant, figures all this stuff out. For now, you can find out about events, classes, and news at the old Ex Libris site here. As you can see, our Flickr page…Continue reading Ex Libris to Move