What We Missed

While DePaul University was on break for a month and a half, we graduate students embarked on our own projects we had been putting off for a whole quarter while we frantically scraped assignments together for classes and finals. During winter break, some of us continued to work our full or part time jobs. Others…Continue reading What We Missed

Banned Books Week: Collaborative “Howl” Reading

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVGoY9gom50&feature=related] On Friday, October 1, The University Center for Writing-based Learning will be hosting a marathon reading of Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” followed by a round-table discussion about the poem, censorship, book banning etc. As many of you know, Ginsberg was one of the most well-known poets of the Beat Generation, and his poem “Howl” caused…Continue reading Banned Books Week: Collaborative “Howl” Reading

EGSA: A Year in Review

On behalf of the other committee members, I would like to tell you about The English Graduate Student Association. The group was formed in Fall 2009 to bring together English and Writing and Publishing students, enhancing the experience of the students in both programs through social and cultural events in and around Chicago. In the…Continue reading EGSA: A Year in Review

Dan Stolar Reading: A Review

Dan Stolar read some of his new fiction, entitled “Hymie and Ruth,” on Tuesday May 25, 2010. Josh Covell, an MAWP student, writes his thoughts on the new story. Josh is graduating from the program in June. With a whiteboard of Yiddish translations behind him, Professor Dan Stolar was brave enough to give a reading…Continue reading Dan Stolar Reading: A Review