The Master of Arts in English Literature and Publishing (MALP) provides an intensive knowledge of British, American, transnational, and colonial literatures, as well as a robust set of skills in scholarship and criticism, allowing you to innovate in your chosen field. The Master of Arts in Writing and Publishing (MAWP) immerses students in the art and craft of creative writing, literary editing, and teaching and provides opportunities for you to revise your work under the mentorship of acclaimed authors and poets. Both programs offer classes on weekday evenings, thus allowing students to earn their degrees without interrupting their busy daytime schedules.
DePaul’s MFA in Creative Writing and Publishing will prepare and empower you to write a novel or memoir, or a collection of poetry or stories while at DePaul. You will work across genres under the mentorship of distinguished authors and poets. With courses in Copyediting, Book Publicity, Book Design, Teaching Creative Writing, and Teaching English, you will have the choice of a career in publishing or teaching. The Creative Writing and Publishing MFA culminates with a required master’s thesis of publishable quality.
The English Department offers combined bachelor’s + master’s degree programs (BA/MALP, BA/MAWP, and BA/Secondary Education English) that allow selected students to complete both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in a single program. Full-time students are able to complete the program in approximately five years. Students apply to this program in the last quarter of their junior year; interested students should meet with the director of the program. (To contact the applicable Combined Degree Coordinator, please select your program of interest from the dropdown menu on the combined degree webpage.) Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.50 in English and 3.30 overall.
Our well-established internship program affords students an opportunity to apply their learning in a range of professional venues: magazines, publishing houses, corporate communication departments, and television and radio broadcast studios.
Our unique Certificate in Teaching English in Two-Year Colleges prepares our graduates for careers in the classroom. Students can select a number of Chicago-area community colleges for their training. This certificate is available to students in both the MA in English in Literature and Publishing and MA in Writing and Publishing.
DePaul University’s College of Education offers approved programs for State of Illinois certification in 6–12 teaching. Students who complete the requirements for the Master of Arts in English Literature and Publishing may also apply to the College of Education for admission to the certification program.
Digital Humanities, or just simply “DH,” is the name for a set of computer-based tools and methods used by people in the humanities. The Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary program taught by faculty from across the university. It focuses on training students in the tools, methods, and real-world projects that have become central to cutting-edge humanities scholarship. In this certificate program you will develop hands-on experience with these powerful tools and participate in projects including text markup and analysis, the visualization of cultural objects and datasets, and the publication of results across several media.
The Department of Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse offers a Graduate Certificate in TESOL, which prepares students to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) in the U.S. or abroad. Comprised of courses in Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse; English; Bilingual-Bicultural Education; and Modern Languages, the TESOL Certificate can be completed by any DePaul graduate student. For students pursuing the MA in English, three of the four courses required for TESOL will also apply to the MA in English. Thus, attaining the TESOL Certificate requires taking only one course beyond the 12 courses for the MA in English.
For more information about the MA in English in Literature and Publishing, contact Program Director June Hee Chung at 773-325-4089 or via email. For more information about the MA or MFA in Writing and Publishing, contact Program Director Rebecca Johns-Trissler at 773-325-1762 or via email.