English Department GA Profiles: Anastasia Sasewich

Name: Anastasia Sasewich Program: MAWP  Graduate Assistantship Description: My Graduate Assistantship is as the editor of the Undergraduate English Program newsletter blog, The Underground. The blog is a resource for undergraduate students and we occasionally publish notable student work and student news. Additionally, I serve as the undergraduate program assistant, which entails promotion of various departmental initiatives, like…Continue reading English Department GA Profiles: Anastasia Sasewich

DePaul’s Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society)

Sigma Tau Delta, an international English honor society, will be electing new members in spring 2015. DePaulians interested in joining DePaul’s chapter can download the Sigma Tau Delta application form and email it to Professor James Murphy (Jmurphy5@depaul.edu).

English Department GA Profiles: Hana Yoo

The deadline to apply for 2015–2016 graduate assistantships is January 15, 2015. *** Name: Hana Yoo Program: MAE Graduate Assistantship Description: I edit Ex Libris, the graduate student blog. I’m editing the page you’re reading right now. (Meta! Or something.) I also make slides for the English department monitors—as does the lovely Anastasia, another GA in the English department.…Continue reading English Department GA Profiles: Hana Yoo

NaNoWriMo 2014 Kicks Off Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (Saturday, November 1) marks the start of National Novel Writing Month. Writers all over the world pledge to write 50,000 words in 30 days. In 2013, I participated in (“won,” in NaNoWriMo terms) National Novel Writing Month for the first time. I’m sitting it out this year, but I hope to ride that particular carousel of whimsy again. One…Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2014 Kicks Off Tomorrow!

Career Panel for English Students on Thursday, October 23

Join Brandon Campbell and Ellen Krupp, members of Independent Writers of Chicago, for a discussion on how they make a living as freelance writers and editors.    Thursday, October 23  6:15 p.m.–7:15 p.m. Arts & Letters Hall #314   DePaul professor Chris Green will also discuss the English department’s internship program. Snacks and drinks will be available for general consumption.