A note from Samantha Hoffman, executive director of the Chicago Writers Association Writers Conference regarding scholarships – deadline is 1/19. and the application process is relatively fast: I’m reaching out because we have writing conference scholarships to award to two students, two educators and two others. We have not yet received a single application from…Continue reading 2 Free Student Scholarships to the Chicago Writers Association Conference
Category: Conferences
Western University Graduate Conference: Call for Papers
See flyer above for more information.
The Books Publishing & Libraries Conference: Call for Papers
The Call for Papers for the Sixteenth International Conference on Books, Publishing & Libraries, held 7 July 2018 at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, US is now open! They invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, innovation showcases, and colloquia. The conference features research addressing the annual themes and the 2018 Special Focus: “Communicating…Continue reading The Books Publishing & Libraries Conference: Call for Papers
Not Reading English Graduate Student Conference
November 2-November 3 The Franke Institute for the Humanities Chicago University’s Department of English Language and Literature is hosting a graduate conference on “not reading.” The conference has a simple premise: every act of reading entails a decision, whether required or freely made, to not read something else. Not reading may then be something we…Continue reading Not Reading English Graduate Student Conference
2018 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference: Call for Papers
From the Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies: January 25 to 27, 2018 We invite abstracts for 20-minute papers from master’s or PhD students from any discipline on any medieval, Renaissance, or early modern topic in Europe, the Americas, or the Mediterranean world. The 2018 conference schedule will include workshops and presentations with rare books in…Continue reading 2018 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference: Call for Papers
MAE Mihaela Stoica Presenting at 2017 SFRA Conference
Congratulations to MAE Mihaela Stoica who will be presenting a paper on ambivalent masculinity in James Tiptree, Jr’s novella “Huston, Houston, Do You Read?” at the 2017 Science Fiction Research Association annual conference. The five day conference hosted by the University of California at Riverside takes place from June 27 to July 1 with the theme…Continue reading MAE Mihaela Stoica Presenting at 2017 SFRA Conference
Trying to Say ‘God’: Reenchanting Catholic Literature at Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame has formally invited DePaul English students to attend their event, Trying to Say ‘God’: Reenchanting Catholic Literature this summer, June 22-24. Confirmed speakers include Mary Karr, Mar Szybist, Natalie Diaz, Heather King, and more. For more information visit the event website, or see the message below. From the organizers: In…Continue reading Trying to Say ‘God’: Reenchanting Catholic Literature at Notre Dame
The 7th Annual Spring English Conference, Friday!
This Friday, April 28, 2017 the DePaul English Department invites you to attend our eighth annual student-run conference from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm in Arts and Letters Hall! The Spring English Conference is an annual daylong event in which DePaul English undergraduate and graduate students showcase their academic and creative work from the previous…Continue reading The 7th Annual Spring English Conference, Friday!
MMLA 2017 Call for Proposals
The 2017 Midwestern Modern Language Association Conference (MMLA) is open for submissions! The conference is accepting submissions for special sessions and permanent sections which are due April 15. Complete panel and individual paper submissions are due April 30.This year’s conference takes place November 9-12 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Find full submission details online here, or see their official call for…Continue reading MMLA 2017 Call for Proposals
Spring Conference Deadline Extended to Friday!
Submissions to the Spring English Conference will now be accepted until this Friday, April 7! Send submissions to englishconference.dpu@gmail.com. Details here.
Celebrate Gwendolyn Brooks Conference!
In conjunction with the Our Miss Brooks 100, and in celebration of the centennial birthday of the iconic Chicago poet Gwendolyn Brooks, the University of Chicago will be hosting Centennial Brooks a three day conference featuring scholars, poets, musicians, and artists inspired by Miss Brooks. The event takes place this weekend, April 6-7. Find a full…Continue reading Celebrate Gwendolyn Brooks Conference!