Call for Proposals for Postcards from the Edge: Texts and Contexts (Deadline: 2/15/15)

The University of St. Thomas English graduate program will host an interdisciplinary conference called Postcards from the Edge: Texts and Contexts on Friday, April 24, 2015. Email one-page proposals for individual papers, poster presentations, panels, or roundtables to the graduate conference coordinator, Andrea Gullixson (, by February 15, 2015. For more information, view the Postcards from the Edge flyer.

Submit Abstracts on #MissedConnections for IUB’s Grad Student Conference (Deadline: 2/1/15)

Indiana University Bloomington‘s comparative literature department is accepting abstracts for Missed Connections, a graduate student conference. The conference will take place April 10 and 11, 2015. The deadline for submitting abstracts is February 1, 2015.   What to Submit Abstract (300 words max) Title of your presentation Short bio (50 words max) with your name, email address, degree level,…Continue reading Submit Abstracts on #MissedConnections for IUB’s Grad Student Conference (Deadline: 2/1/15)

Emerging Pedagogies Research and Travel Grant (Deadline: 12/31/14)

Pearson is accepting project proposals for its Emerging Pedagogies Research and Travel Grant. Graduate students in composition, rhetoric, and business and technical communication—and adjunct faculty teaching composition courses—may submit proposals. The submission deadline is December 31, 2014. Up to ten $750 grants will be awarded. These grants will help defray the cost of attending the 2015 Conference on College Composition and…Continue reading Emerging Pedagogies Research and Travel Grant (Deadline: 12/31/14)

Tales from the Conference Front: Volunteering at ConCon 2014

As the kids on South Park used to say, “You know, I learned something today.” On November 13 and 14, 2014, freelancers and publishers gathered for Content Connections Chicago at Columbia College Film Row. Also present: a few DePaul student volunteers who were able to attend the conference for free, thanks to Professor Rebecca Johns-Trissler. I only made it…Continue reading Tales from the Conference Front: Volunteering at ConCon 2014

NIU’s 51st Allerton English Articulation Conference Seeks Proposals (Deadline: 2/1/15)

Call for Proposals and Participation Metaphors We Teach By NIU’s 51st Allerton English Articulation Conference April 15 –16, 2015 Allerton Park and Retreat Center Monticello, Illinois   Proposal Deadline: February 1, 2015 Applicants email a title and one-paragraph abstract of their panel or individual presentation proposal to Those accepted will be notified by March 1. See Northern Illinois…Continue reading NIU’s 51st Allerton English Articulation Conference Seeks Proposals (Deadline: 2/1/15)

Submit Proposals for Transgressions, ISU Word’s Worth Conference (Deadline: 1/15/15)

The Word’s Worth Committee at Illinois State University seeks paper proposals from graduate students for the ISU Word’s Worth Conference. The 2015 conference theme is transgressions. The conference will take place on Friday, April 17, 2015. Students may submit their proposals through this online form by Thursday, January 15, 2015. For more information, check out the official call for proposals.

Submit Abstracts for Mind, Body and (Con)Text: Cognitive Approaches to Literature and Linguistics (Deadline: 12/14/14)

School of Languages and Cultures 15th Annual Graduate Symposium March 6–7, 2015 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana   Submit 250-word abstracts (Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced) to by December 14, 2014. Email submissions should include the presenter’s name, institution of affiliation, email address, and phone number. Please do not include any identifying information on…Continue reading Submit Abstracts for Mind, Body and (Con)Text: Cognitive Approaches to Literature and Linguistics (Deadline: 12/14/14)

Volunteer at ASJA’s Content Connections to Attend for Free

Current MAWP and MAE students who sign up for a volunteer shift at ASJA’s Content Connections Chicago 2014 (November 13–14, 2014) can attend for free. ConCon attendees will have many opportunities to network with freelancers, gain insights into building their professional platforms, and meet companies all over the Midwest hiring freelance writers. Contact Professor Rebecca Johns-Trissler at for…Continue reading Volunteer at ASJA’s Content Connections to Attend for Free

Medieval Narratives Conference Seeks Proposals (Deadline: 11/21/14)

The Illinois Medieval Association is accepting abstracts for its 32nd annual conference, cosponsored by Saint Louis University (SLU). This year’s theme is “Medieval Narratives.” CONFERENCE DATES: February 20–21, 2015 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Cynthia Robinson (Cornell University) and John Van Engen (University of Notre Dame) DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS:  November 21, 2014 Proposals for both whole sessions and individual papers are welcome. Three-paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes,…Continue reading Medieval Narratives Conference Seeks Proposals (Deadline: 11/21/14)

Call for Abstracts: Center for Renaissance Studies’ 2015 Graduate Student Conference (Deadline: 10/15/14)

The Center for Renaissance Studies is accepting abstracts for 20-minute papers for its 2015 multidisciplinary graduate student conference (January 22–24, 2015). The conference welcomes proposals from master’s or PhD students from any discipline on any medieval, Renaissance, or early modern topic in Europe, the Americas, or the Mediterranean world. The deadline is October 15, 2014. See the…Continue reading Call for Abstracts: Center for Renaissance Studies’ 2015 Graduate Student Conference (Deadline: 10/15/14)

Submit Abstracts for 2015 Disability Studies Conference (Deadline: 9/30/14)

The Caribbean Chapter of the College English Association (CEA-CC) is accepting paper proposals for its 2015 annual conference, which will take place at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez  March 12–13, 2015. The topic is Disability Studies. As the website states, “We welcome papers that investigate the cultural, social and political interactions of the humanities (arts, language and literature)…Continue reading Submit Abstracts for 2015 Disability Studies Conference (Deadline: 9/30/14)