DePaul MAWP Alumni Publish Pieces in Bluestem, Slate

Congratulations to Tim Hillegonds, MAWP ’14, who placed his piece “Along the Front Range” in the March issue of Bluestem.  Also, a belated congratulations to Chris Lites, MAWP ’12, who published a profile of science fiction writer William Gibson in Slate in December of 2014.

Call for Papers: English Department Spring Conference (Deadline: 4/6/15)

The DePaul English department’s sixth annual student-run spring conference will take place on Friday, May 8, 2015, in Arts & Letters Hall. DePaulians may submit their original works of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, literary analysis, pedagogical and literary theory, and publishing, professional, and teaching practices. The submission deadline is Monday, April 6, 2015.  This year’s conference theme is Wonder,…Continue reading Call for Papers: English Department Spring Conference (Deadline: 4/6/15)

Story Week Festival (March 15-21, 2015)

Columbia College Chicago‘s creative writing department is presenting the Story Week Festival of Writers March 15–21, 2015. This year’s theme is The Power of Words. All programming is free and open to the public. DePaul associate professor Miles Harvey and former DePaul assistant professor Amina Gautier will be presenting at the festival. Check out the full Story Week schedule here.

DePaul in the News: “Heaving Bosoms and Joyous Endings Conquer Capitol Hill”

Washington Post (February 13, 2015) “Heaving bosoms and joyous endings conquer Capitol Hill” Last week, the Post ran a story on a romance fiction conference held at the Library of Congress. The article featured DePaul English professor Eric Selinger, who noted, “The last thing popular romance needs is a man in a suit ‘mansplaining’ what belongs in the canon.”  

MAW Alum Brian South’s Self-Publishing Debut

Congratulations to MAW alumnus Brian South, a Naperville North High School English teacher whose self-published debut novel—The Zombie Sheriff Takes Tucson: A Love Story—will be available for purchase on Friday, February 20. See this Chicago Tribune story for more details.

Upcoming MAE and MAWP Information Sessions

The MAE winter information session will take place on Wednesday, March 11, at 6 p.m. in Room 101 of the Welcome Center. The MAWP winter information session will take place on Thursday, February 19, at 6 p.m. in Room 103 of the Welcome Center.  

Graduate Certificate in TESOL Information Session on Thursday, February 26

DePaul’s writing, rhetoric, and discourse (WRD) department will hold an information session about its graduate certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) on Thursday, February 26, at 5 p.m. in SAC 301. Students who complete the graduate certificate in TESOL will have the opportunity to teach English for a year at Huaqiao University. Yangping Zeng, WRD’s current visiting scholar…Continue reading Graduate Certificate in TESOL Information Session on Thursday, February 26

Spring and Summer Quarter 2015 Course Descriptions Are Up!

Check out the lineup of spring quarter and summer quarter English graduate courses. Registration opens Monday, February 9. After browsing the course descriptions, you can click over to CampusConnect to do some light shopping. The course cart is open for business.