Student Profile: MAWP Eric Houghton

This Autumn Quarter Ex Libris correspondent Matt Adams sat down with MAWP and graduate assistant Eric Houghton for an interview. The human interest piece that follows is an elegantly written celebration of Eric’s unique path to DePaul and passionate study. Ex Libris hopes students can take a moment out of their busy finals schedules  to appreciate the…Continue reading Student Profile: MAWP Eric Houghton

Important Dates and Deadlines

A quick reminder of a few dates and deadlines to keep in mind as fall comes to a close an Winter Quarter approaches! November 22: End Autumn Quarter 2016 November 24-27: University officially closed for Thanksgiving Holiday December 1: Autumn Quarter 2016 grades due December 23-January 1: University closed for St. Vincent DePaul Day and Holiday Break January…Continue reading Important Dates and Deadlines

A Few Department Congratulations!

As the end of Fall Quarter draws near, Ex Libris would like to share some exciting news and express congratulations to a few faculty members. First, congratulations to Jeremy Mulderig on the continued success of his book Phillip Sparrow Tells All  which received a glowing review in the Times Literary Supplement. See a preview of the review…Continue reading A Few Department Congratulations!

Professor Paula McQuade Presentation at the University of Chicago, Congratulations!

Congratulations to Paula McQuade who will be presenting at the Chicago-area faculty Renaissance Seminar on Tuesday, September 18. Prof. McQuade will be presenting her work, “Prophecy, Orality, and Eschatology in Mary Cary’s The Resurrection of the Witness (1646)” at the Quadrangle Club at the University of Chicago, 1155 E 57th Street. For more information and faculty interested in attending, please…Continue reading Professor Paula McQuade Presentation at the University of Chicago, Congratulations!

Crook & Folly Call for Staff

Bellow is a message from Crook & Folly editors who are searching for staff: Crook & Folly, DePaul’s award-winning art and literary magazine, is assembling a staff of undergraduate and graduate students for the 2016/17 academic year. Positions include: section editors and readers for each literary genre, copy-editors, social media/marketing, and public relations coordinators. If you are interested in…Continue reading Crook & Folly Call for Staff

Certificate in Publishing

Fall Quarter 2016 is the first quarter the MAWP program will be offering its new Certificate in Publishing. The certificate requires sixteen credit hours and consists of three publishing courses and one internship, selected from our robust partners. Publishing course topics include: Book publishing Magazine/Journal publishing Digital publishing Editing The Certificate in Publishing can broaden…Continue reading Certificate in Publishing