Rose Metal Press’s “Monster Portraits” NYT Book Review!

Good news from Kathleen Rooney, who reports that: “Rose Metal Press’s latest book, MONSTER PORTRAITS, has just been reviewed in the NY Times Book Review:   “We’ve been around since 2006, and we are regularly reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Library Journal, etc but this is our first time–in 12 years!– in the NYTBR.”…Continue reading Rose Metal Press’s “Monster Portraits” NYT Book Review!

BSB Launch Party Chicago Tribune Article

Thanks to everyone who made it out to last night’s Big Shoulders Books Write Your Heart Out launch party! For those interested, here is the link to today’s coverage of the book!

Alumni Shout-Out!

Calling all MAE and MAWP Alumni The English Department is so proud of their alumni! Because of that, we are eagerly seeking information about what our alumni are up to! If you have any upcoming projects, recent achievements, or any news you would like to share with the department, we would love to hear about it! If you…Continue reading Alumni Shout-Out!

Native American Heritage Month: Poems and Essays

In celebration of Native American Heritage month, has collected work by and about Native American poets. Our very own Prof. Mark Turcotte has been featured! To read Professor Turcotte’s poem “Burn” click here. To see the full list of poems and essays, click here.  

Congratulations to Kathleen Rooney!

Congratulations to Kathleen Rooney, whose novel, Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk, is a finalist for the Chicago Writers Association’s 2017 Book of the Year! Kathleen teaches English and Creative Writing at DePaul University and is the author of eight books of poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. Congrats, Kathleen, you make the department proud! A synopsis of Lillian Boxfish…Continue reading Congratulations to Kathleen Rooney!