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Category: Classes
WQ2025 Course Descriptions Now Posted!
Click here to view the winter quarter list [update 10/11]: http://www.english-exlibris.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/10-11-24_WQ2025-Course-Descriptions_Grad.pdf (Course descriptions can always be found under the “Courses” tab in the header of this website.)
Autumn 2024 Course Descriptions Available!
Course descriptions for Autumn Quarter 2024 are now available! Click here to view the list. (You can also view course descriptions for AQ2024, and any quarter, by mousing over the “Classes” tab at the top of the Ex Libris homepage.)
A Late Addition to the Winter Schedule:
ENG 477: Digital Publishing: Digital Publishing Models, Issues, and Ethics Taught by Nuria Sheehan This course provides a practical and theoretical introduction to the evolving field of digital publishing. Students will learn the core elements and strategies of digital publishing and examine current and emerging publishing models. We will discuss critical issues such as the blurring…Continue reading A Late Addition to the Winter Schedule:
Updated Winter Quarter Course Schedule
A second workshop has been added to the schedule. You can find a complete course schedule under the Courses tab. ENG 484: Writing the Personal Essay with Kim Brooks on Monday nights. In addition to being the author of the memoir Small Animals and the novel The Houseguest, Kim is the former personal-essay editor at…Continue reading Updated Winter Quarter Course Schedule
NEW Class Added to the Autumn Quarter Schedule: Writing Workshop Topics: Writing the Fantastic, the Uncanny, and the Marvelous
Check Classes in the menu bar for full course schedules. ENG 484 Writing Workshop Topics: Writing the Fantastic, the Uncanny, and the Marvelous Dave Welch M 6:00-9:15 (Hybrid) “The Fantastic,” writes Tzvetan Todorov, “is that hesitation experienced by a person who knows only the laws of nature, confronting an apparently supernatural event.” In this class,…Continue reading NEW Class Added to the Autumn Quarter Schedule: Writing Workshop Topics: Writing the Fantastic, the Uncanny, and the Marvelous
Updated AQ’23 Course Descriptions!
Check the Classes tab in the menu for updated descriptions of the August ’23 course selection, or click HERE
(Tentative) Autumn 2023 Courses Have Been Posted
Course Carts are open. As always, course schedules will be updated and posted under the Classes menu tab on the front page of Ex Libris.
New Course Update: ENG 484 Writing Workshop- The Spoken Word
Writing Workshop: The Spoken WordWednesday 6:00-9:15In Person with professor Tara Betts When we hear the term spoken word, people often think of poetry slams, open mics, images of the Black Arts Movement, Beat Poets, and coffee houses. Now, that image has expanded to include television shows like “Def Poetry Jam,” “Verses & Flow,” BET’s “Lyric…Continue reading New Course Update: ENG 484 Writing Workshop- The Spoken Word