Anthology Launch Event

DePaul’s Blue Book: Launch Event! February 19th

DePaul’s Blue Book is the latest imprint by DePaul University’s English Department, which fosters work in literature, creative writing, and publishing. There is a virtual launch of the anthology featuring seven of its writers on Friday, February 19th, 6:00-7:00 PM. Log in information below:

MAWP Alum Profile: Author Zhanna Slor

This year’s Ex-Libris correspondent, Anna Gerwig, sat down (on Zoom) with MAWP alum Zhanna Slor to discuss the winding path of books, writing advice, and her debut novel, At the End of the World, Turn Left, the cover of which features one of her very own oil paintings. Click the image to open and read.

Poetry Submissions: The C.D. Wright Emerging Poet's Prize

Submit Your Poetry for Publication!

Submit to the C.D. Wright Emerging Poet’s Prize! The grand prize includes $1,000 and publication (as well as an Editor’s Choice Prize of $250 and publication). This year, the contest is being judged by none other than Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Jericho Brown.  The Arkansas International is  a literary magazine sponsored by The University of Arkansas…Continue reading Submit Your Poetry for Publication!

Partial Tuition Scholarship Deadline: January 31

The M.A. in English, M.A. in Literature and Publishing, M.A. in Writing and Publishing, and M.F.A. in Writing and Publishing programs are offering Partial Tuition Scholarships (PTS) to recognize the outstanding academic achievement of students in the English department’s three graduate programs. Partial Tuition Scholarships provide a partial reimbursement for tuition paid for 2021 Winter…Continue reading Partial Tuition Scholarship Deadline: January 31

Watch the Spring English Conference Panels!

If you weren’t able to join us last Friday for the 11th Annual Spring English Conference, you can now find all of the recorded panels here on the conference website. 

Deadline Extended: Study Abroad in London and Dublin

The London and Dublin: Travel, Heritage, and History program during December Intersession examines the heritage, public history and travel narratives of both cities. These two cities are irrevocably entwined historically, in material culture and in public memory. This continued connection can still be seen today in the difficulty of constructing BREXIT and the ongoing connections between…Continue reading Deadline Extended: Study Abroad in London and Dublin

The First Issue of Tellus is Now Live!

TellUs, the multilingual and multicultural e-magazine from  the Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research (CMWR), a program within the University Center for Writing-based Learning, is now LIVE.  Find their first issue here.