Ex Libris, DePaul’s English graduate student blog and news source, provides MALP, MAWP, MFA, and Combined Degree students with useful information throughout the academic year. Founded in 2003 as a newsletter for the English graduate programs at DePaul and a source for literary news, Ex Libris continues to evolve to meet students’ needs.
The About and DePaul Resources tabs above provide students with the most current information on English Department requirements, funding options, department programs, and a myriad of useful tools provided by the university. Under the Classes tab, students can find downloadable PDFs of course schedules (complete with descriptions) and a small archive of previous schedules.
We regularly post department updates, events, contests, job postings, calls for papers, faculty and alumni interviews, and a variety of other content, all of which can be located in the drop-down menus above.
Ex Libris is always looking for students interested in contributing new content, from sharing original writing or research papers to conducting interviews with alumni and other members of DePaul’s literary community. If you have an idea for a column, are interested in doing interviews, or have any other questions or comments, please contact the current editor, Macrina Forest, at mforest1@depaul.edu.