Call for Submissions: UCWbL Flash Fiction Contest

In honor of National Day on Writing, the University Center for Writing-based Learning welcomes DePaul students, alumni, faculty, and staff to submit their best flash fiction!

The National Day on Writing (October 20), an initiative of the National Council of Teachers of English, is built on the premise that writing is critical to literacy but needs greater attention and celebration. – NCTE,

Contest Rules:
-Writers must be a DePaul student, alumni, faculty or staff
-Must be an original, unpublished story
-Maximum word count of 350 (Less can be more!)
-Due by Oct. 21 at 11:59 PM CST

Top 3 stories will be published on UCWbL blog, UCWbLing, & 1st place will win a $25 gift card to the DePaul bookstore!

They invite you to submit your work at