LAST CALL for Crook & Folly Submissions + Spotlight on Combined Degree Programs

Our first announcement is that submissions to Crook & Folly—DePaul’s own student-run literary journal (formerly known as Threshold)—will close this Sunday, February 23This will be the final deadline for all written pieces. (Click here for details).

For any undergraduates who may be thinking of pursuing an English graduate degree at DePaul, we’d like to highlight our BA + MA Combined Degree options (BA/MALP, BA/MAWP, and BA/Secondary Education English). The Combined Degree Program saves time, allowing students to graduate with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in as little as five years; it also saves students nearly 40% on grad school tuition. Click through the pics below to learn about each of our combined degree options!

After completing their bachelor’s, combined degree students will additionally have the option to pursue DePaul’s Certificate in Teaching English in Two-Year Colleges as a grad student. If you choose to pursue this certificate, all 16 hours of course credit for the certificate will also count towards your MALP, MAWP, or MFA degree. The Certificate Program also includes an internship for teaching in a Chicago-area two-year college—which all English grad students are able to apply for, even if they choose not to pursue the full certificate. Click here for more details on this certificate and internship!