Reminder: The Dead Zone Film & Poem Reading is TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 22!

This is your reminder that The Dead Zoo film and reading is tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22! Join us from 6:30 – 7:30, at DePaul’s Cortelyou Commons (2324 N. Fremont Street).

A 20-minute film based on Prof. Chris Green’s sonnet crown The Dead Zoo (poems from the perspective of endangered or extinct animals, plants, and places) will play silently while other poets help him read the sonnets. This will be followed by a conversation with Environmental Science Prof. Liam Heneghan about poetry, climate change, and mass extinction.

The poets who will read include cin salach, Tony Trigilio, Josh Corey, Mike Puican, John McCarthy, and Patty McMillen, as well as DePaul professors Mark Arendt, Mark Turcotte, and Richard Jones. Free broadsides of the sonnet “Rice” will also be available, featuring a beautiful drawing by Rachel Robbins.

See below for a schedule of the evening!

Event Schedule:

I. Introduction by Rhianna Herd (Campus Sustainability Coordinator)
II. Chris Green introduces The Dead Zoo
III. Mark Neumann introduces the film

IV. Poems and Readers

  1. “American Bison”—Chris Green
  2. “Amur Leopard”—Mike Puican
  3. “Rice”—Lydian Green
  4. “Javan Rhino”—Mark Neumann
  5. “David Buckel”—John McCarthy
  6. “Red Wolf”—Carol Marin
  7. “Siberian Tiger”—cin salach
  8. “Coral Reef”—Mark Arendt
  9. “Right Whale”—Dina Elenbogen
  10. “Polar Bear”—Lexa Murphy
  11. “Giraffe”—Don Mosely
  12. “Darwin’s Finch”—Patricia McMillen
  13. “Darwin Fox”—Dustin Goltz
  14. “Brown Bear”—Calliope Green
  15. “Savanna Elephant”—Mark Turcotte
  16. “Mountain Gorilla”—Jason Zingsheim
  17. “African Lion”—Tanya Palmer
  18. “Honeybee”—Josh Corey
  19. “Common Dolphin”—Liam Heneghan
  20. “Eremocine Man”—Richard Jones

V. Conversation with Liam Heneghan