
Welcome to the Ex Libris archive! Most Ex Libris content from before 2018 can be accessed below.

Ex Libris was founded in 2003 as a newsletter for the English graduate programs at DePaul. In the Spring of 2010, we in the English department found this newsletter to be lacking in some important ways. Most students weren’t using Ex Libris to its potential. We moved to WordPress to make the information more relevant, interactive, readable, and accessible to students.

In October 2013, Ex Libris moved again, to its current site (the one you’re reading this on!). To view the old site and archives (2010 – 2013), click here.

To view graduate lists from 2010 – 2015, click here.

See below for lists of course offerings from 2017 and earlier:

Winter 2016-2017 

Autumn 2016-2017

Summer 2016

Spring 2015-2016

Winter 2015-2016

Autumn 2015-2016

Summer 2015

Spring 2014-2015

Winter 2014-2015

Autumn 2014-2015

Spring 2013-2014

Autumn 2013-2014

Summer 2013

Spring 2012-2013

Winter 2012-2013

Autumn 2012-2013

Summer 2012

See below for Spring English Conference materials from 2018 and earlier (for recent conferences, click here):

April 27, 2018

April 28, 2017

May 8, 2015

May 3, 2013

April 13, 2012

April 15, 2011

May 21, 2010