Call for Submissions to Thin Air Magazine!

Submit your fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and writing that defies genre classification to Thin Air Magazine by October 20th to be considered for Issue 31 (print issue). This year’s theme is Metamorphosis!: art that ponders the metamorphoses we see in creation, in destruction, in reflection, in meditation, in stagnation, in art itself. Submit your pieces that engage with this theme via the Thin Air Magazine Submittable page. 

Thin Air Magazine is an MFA-run literary journal based out of Northern Arizona University.

See Thin Air‘s submission guidelines below:

We charge a $3.00 submission fee for our print issue, while Thin Air Online is free. If you cannot pay this fee, please reach out to us at In an effort to minimize barriers and encourage work from marginalized writers, we waive this fee for a period surrounding Indigenous People’s Day.  

General and Genre-specific Guidelines:

  • We accept fiction and nonfiction up to 3,000 words. 
  • We accept up to three poems in one document totaling five or fewer pages.
  • We only consider unpublished work. Please do not submit material previously published in anthologies, chapbooks, online, or on personal websites (including FB, Twitter, Insta, Flickr, blogs, etc.)
  • We accept simultaneous submissions. If any part of your submission is selected for publication elsewhere, please notify us immediately using Submittable.
  • In an effort to encourage submissions from both established and emerging writers with diverse voices, we read all submissions blind. Do not include any identifying information within your submission.
  • Thin Air Magazine does not accept work from anyone affiliated with Northern Arizona University within the last 7 years.
  • Thin Air Magazine aims to respond to your submission within 3-5 months. If you submit April-August, know that we likely won’t be able to respond until September when school is back in session. We appreciate your patience! Our staff is a volunteer-graduate-student-run magazine and we strive to read every submission carefully before making a decision. 

Formatting Specifications:

  • Please use Times New Roman, 12pt., double-spaced, 1 inch margins for all submissions except poetry, which should remain single-spaced.
  • INCLUDE page numbers and a word count at the top of your manuscript.
  • DO NOT INCLUDE your name/identifiers in your manuscript.
  • If the unique format of your submission is critical to the piece, please feel free to keep your unique formatting.
  • Note that we may have to alter format for printing due to physical restraints and requirements.

Copyright: We ask for first North American serial rights for work published in Thin Air Magazine. Copyright is retained by the author at all times. 

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