Opportunity for Authors: Unsung Voices Books

In addition to the upcoming James Baldwin centennial event that we posted earlier this morning, we have another announcement today, especially for those of you with finished nonfiction work that you would like to have considered for book publication.

The following is a message from Don Rosso of Unsung Voices Books:

Unsung Voices Books is a new book publisher, dedicated to sharing stories from people and places worldwide whose voices aren’t heard enough in today’s media landscape. We’re reaching out to the American studies community in our search for authors. Your work puts you in contact with many people who have such stories to tell and takes you to places that readers should know more about. We’d love to consider any book project from you or your colleagues that fits our publishing profile.

Read below for Unsung Voices Books’ mission statement:

Unsung Voices Books is a traditional, full-service publisher that works with both new and experienced nonfiction authors. We offer copyediting, composition/typesetting, marketing, printing, and distribution at no cost to our authors. Our published books are available in print and ebook formats and can be purchased online or in independent bookstores.

Click here to visit the Unsung Voices Books website.

If it sounds like you and your work would be a good fit for Unsung Voices Books, please reach out to don.rosso@unsungvoicesbooks.com.