Prof. Jonathan Gross Lectures at University of Warsaw!

In DePaul’s English Department, Prof. Gross teaches courses in English Romanticism, 19th Century Literature, and World Literature. He has edited novels, letters, and poems by aristocratic women of the Regency period, including Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire, Lady Melbourne, and Anne Damer. In 2014, he received a Fulbright to teach at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece and served as a Wicklander Fellow at DePaul (2014-2015). He is Joint-President of the International Association of Byron Societies and is the author of Byron: the Erotic Liberal. Publications include The Life of Anne Damer, editions of The Sylph (Northwestern, 2007), Belmour (Northwestern, 2012), and Emma, or the Unfortunate Attachment (2004), as well as Thomas Jefferson’s Scrapbooks (Steerforth, 2006).