DePaul’s Social Transformation Research Collaborative (STRC) was established in 2021 with generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the Humanities. The STRC is dedicated to exploring how the humanities can serve as a source of justice and healing for communities historically shaped by, and continuously facing, racism, violence, and dispossession. The STRC is excited to announce the following grant-funded opportunity for current graduate students in LAS: GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIPS The STRC seeks applications for its four, six-month Graduate Research Fellowships for MA students whose primary scholarly or creative field lies within the humanities and pursuing a project related to the histories and cultures of people of color (in the United States or in diaspora), to be presented at the Annual STRC Symposium in October. The conference paper can be part of a larger ongoing research MA thesis, but this is not required. Fellowships will begin June 15, 2023 and continue through December 15, 2023. Fellows will receive two tranches of funding: $4,000 evenly distributed in June, July, and August to support initial research planning and active research and writing; and, contingent upon demonstrating adequate progress in the summer, $2,000 evenly distributed over the Autumn Quarter as they draft and revise their conference papers. Deadline for applications is March 27. Click here for more details and application guidelines. Interested students should attend our virtual info session on January 31 at 4:30 p.m. (RSVP here). View Website – |