Call for Submissions: Subito Press

Ready your pens and keyboards—it’s submission season!


Subito Press, a small non-profit publishing company established by the University of Colorado Boulder’s creative writing department, is currently holding a contest for book-length works of poetry or prose and are in their last push for submissions. They hope to encourage MFA students to submit their work.


The contest is taking submissions until October 1st for a reading fee of $25 per submission.


Works can be submitted through this link:


This year’s judges are two faculty members from the creative writing department at CU—Marcia Douglas and Julie Carr.


Subito Press encourages the submission of all genres and are always looking for new and unique voices. There is no page limit to submissions, and all entries are considered for publication with the press.


More information about the contest and Subito Press can be found at their Facebook page or their official website.