Script Writing Job Opportunity

A note from Jessica Best, creator of a sci-fi podcast: “I have a paid opportunity for your students, if they are interested in sci-fi and script-writing. My award-winning audio fiction podcast, The Strange Case of Starship Iris, is heading towards its second season, and I’m looking to hire staff writers for the writers’ room. The pay would be $60 per (roughly 40-minute) episode. Writers of color, transgender writers, nonbinary writers, and/or queer writers are especially encouraged to apply. The deadline is October 15th.


“The Strange Case of Starship Iris is a series about outer space, survival, espionage, resistance, identity, friendship, found family, romance, and secrets. (Also, there’s jokes.) I’ve had a ton of fun creating it, and seeing the audience response.”


More information can be found here: