Student Award for Community Engagement

Dear MAE and MAWP Students:

The English Department is pleased to announce the new Bill and Irene Beck Award for Community Engagement for graduate students. This award is named for a family whose support of our own Big Shoulders Books makes possible the publication of socially conscious literature by and about Chicagoans. In the spirit of this generosity, we would like to honor the great work our students do in their communities.

If you are someone who volunteers, interns, or otherwise devotes time to assisting with community organizations, partners, and/or individuals, please nominate yourself for this award. Or, if you know someone whose commitment to community shows up in their work outside the university, please nominate that person. Nominations are due on Wednesday, May 23 and must include:


 A statement of no more than 250 words describing the kind, duration, and intensity of your community engagement

  • A list of contacts at the organization(s) who can attest to your social justice work


Nominees with 3.0 GPAs are preferred.


Please submit your nomination to Prof. Michele Morano, on or before Wednesday, May 25.