On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 (7:00-9:00 pm at St. Vincent DePaul Parish, 1010 West Webster Avenue), join us for the next event in our series—The Dead of Winter:
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Rev. Christopher S. Robinson, DePaul University, Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies
Lisa Mahoney, DePaul University, Assistant Professor of Art History
Adriaan Peperzak, Loyola University, Professor of Philosophy
Legera Danielides, mezza-soprano; Tomas Dominguez, tenor; and Brandon Segovia, piano; DePaul University School of Music
Abraham’s binding and near-sacrifice of Isaac is a foundational moment for three major world religions. More than this, it asks us to think about what makes community, family, and ethics possible. Is an act good because it is inherently good, or is it good because it serves some further end, follows some rule, or has been ordained good by someone in authority? Is there anyplace “outside” morality—or anything (or anyone) capable of founding morality that is not also already subject to it? We will discuss these and related questions in a night that will include a live musical performance of Benjamin Britten’s “Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac,” as well as lectures on how the sacrifice of Isaac has been depicted in the history
of European art, and how religious scholars and philosophers have addressed the meaning of Abraham’s—and God’s—actions that led to Isaac’s binding, his ordeal, and his ultimate reprieve.
Please see event flyer attached and below. Feel free to share with colleagues and students!