Please note that Ex Libris has made a few changes to the way that MAE course requirements are listed on the “Classes” pages. The new information reflects the fact that MAE course requirements are based solely on time period regardless of country, as well as the program’s more recent decision to replace the term “Modern” with “20th/21st Century.”
And as always, we continue to add more course descriptions for Winter and Spring quarters as they come in, so if you’re still wondering what classes to take, have a look!
There’s just one week left to enter the Narrative Magazine’s 30 Below writing contest! Narrative is inviting all writers, poets, visual artists, photographers, performers, and filmmakers, between eighteen and thirty years old, to send in their best work. Narrative is looking for the traditional and the innovative, the true and the imaginary: poems, short stories, short shorts, essays, memoirs, photo essays, audio and video stories, graphic stories, all forms of literary nonfiction, and excerpts from longer works of both fiction and nonfiction.
This year’s 30 Below is open to all young poets, fiction and nonfiction writers, photographers, graphic artists, filmmakers, and performers.
You can read the complete guidelines and Narrative Magazine is committed to paying our authors, to providing excellent editorial support, and to encouraging a wide audience for good writing.