You are invited to attend the Newberry Center for Renaissance Students 2011 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference to be held January 27-29.
Seventy-two graduate students from consortium institutions throughout the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. will present their research during the conference’s eighteen sessions. Two DePaul University Masters in English students, Brianna Tonner and Diana Anderson, will be presenting. Support from their peers and colleagues is appreciated and encouraged.
From the website:
The Center for Renaissance Studies’ annual graduate student conference, organized and run by advanced doctoral students, has become a premier opportunity for maturing scholars to present papers, participate in discussions, and develop collaborations across the field of medieval, Renaissance, and early modern studies. Participants from a wide variety of disciplines find a supportive and collegial forum for their work, meet future colleagues from other institutions and disciplines, and become familiar with the Newberry Library and its resources. Each year since 2007, selected papers have been published in a peer-edited online conference proceedings.
The conference is free to attend, but registration is encouraged. You can view a conference schedule (PDF) and register at their website.
You are also welcome to attend the Newberry Consort performance of Baroque music and the dinner following on Friday evening (advanced registration required).
Congratulations Brianna and Diana!
Can’t wait to hear your presentation, Brianna! I hope we see lots of friendly DePaul faces at the conference, too!
Good luck Brianna and Diana! Wish I were able to make it, but will be sending positive thoughts your way.
Way to go, Brianna! We’re so very proud of you and pray for composure and fluency in your presentation. G & G Retzer
Thank you, everyone! What kind comments!
Diana-I am very excited to hear your presentation, too! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!